Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Health/Medical: Imaging Results From the ADAGIO-LIPIDS Reveal That Effects of Rimonabant on Cardiometabolic Risk Pro

- Include Loss of Visceral Fat and Mobilization of Liver Fat

QUEBEC CITY, April 29 (ANTARA/PRNewswire-AsiaNet) --

At a late breaking presentation made on April 29th during the Annual meeting of the European Atherosclerosis Society held in Istanbul, the investigators of ADAGIO-LIPIDS presented the key findings of a one year trial aiming at further studying the effects of rimonabant on several features of HDL and on a comprehensive set of cardiometabolic markers. Furthermore, an imaging substudy using computed tomography was conducted to test, for the first time, the hypothesis that rimonabant could induce a loss of visceral fat and liver fat.

"We know that the most prevalent form of the metabolic syndrome is associated with abdominal obesity, particularly with an excess of visceral fat as well as with accumulation of fat at undesired sites such as the liver, the heart, the muscle and the pancreas, a phenomenon referred to as ectopic fat deposition," mentioned Dr Jean-Pierre Despres from the Hopital Laval Research Center, Universite Laval, Quebec, CANADA, who is the principal investigator of ADAGIO-LIPIDS. "Although we had evidence from the phase III studies conducted with rimonabant that antagonism of the endocannabinoid system could induce a reduction in waist circumference (a crude marker of abdominal fat) and improve several features of the metabolic syndrome, no study had ever quantified the effect of this drug on visceral adiposity and liver fat," he added.

ADAGIO-LIPIDS was a study conducted in 799 patients with abdominal obesity and with the high triglyceride - low HDL-cholesterol dyslipidemia. Patients were randomized to moderate caloric restriction (600 kcal/day) with either a placebo or rimonabant (20mg/day). First, results confirmed the consistent effects of rimonabant on several markers of cardiometabolic risk. For instance, HDL-cholesterol was increased by 7.4% with rimonabant compared to placebo (p<0.0001) p="0.02),">About Hopital Laval
Founded in 1918, Hopital Laval is the heart and lung institute of Universite Laval. It provides the population of Central and Eastern Quebec with subspecialized care and services in cardiology, pneumology, and the surgical management of obesity. The Hospital's expertise includes ambulatory and hospital care, teaching, research, and the evaluation of health technologies. The Hospital also provides general and specialized acute care in accordance with its patients' clinical needs and its subspecialized areas of expertise. In addition, the Hospital's location allows it to offer medical and surgical care to the boroughs of Sainte-Foy/Sillery. The Hospital also has an in-house research center that is renowned worldwide and supported by Fonds de recherche en sante du Quebec (Quebec Health Research Council). The main goal of the Laval Hospital Research Center is to slow the obesity epidemic and the progression of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease through research and prevention. The Laval Hospital Research Center has focused its development around this vision and aims to become the leading North American research center in cardiology, pneumology, and obesity. In order to achieve this goal, the Center has undertaken a three-phase development plan, two phases of which are currently underway. This expansion of existing facilities will create some 200 jobs.

The Hopital Laval Research Center is one of the 38 affiliated research centers of Universite Laval. Located in Quebec City, Universite Laval was the first francophone university created in North America. Its 17 faculties offer comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs to 38,000 students including 10,000 students.

SOURCE Hopital Laval

CONTACT: Jean-Pierre Despres, Ph. D., Hopital Laval, institut
universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie, Phone: +1-418-656-4863,
Fax: +1-418-656-4610,

Web site:


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